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Meet the Team

Our dedicated Group Admin team is made up volunteers who were brought together in April 2020 when lockdown was put in place across most of the world.

 Each of whom have their own struggles with their mental well-being. Despite this, we have united together to develop this amazing peer support network that extends across the globe.

We facilitate and manage all aspects of #MeMyselfMyMentalHealth including the fundraisers, the private online peer support group which is facilitated on Facebook, the Facebook promotion page, the weekly virtual meets, Our regular Live video streams and our researched content for all our platforms. 

 We work hard both behind the scenes and within the group to maintain our group's ultimate goals, which are to unite people together, remind people they are not alone, educate society on issues surrounding mental health and ultimately stamp out the stigma and discrimination that is associated with mental health issues. 



Founder, Creator & Main Admin

Hi Warriors, I'm Nat. I created #MeMyselfMyMentalHealth back in April 2020

I am a 34 year old mum of two, full-time student and part-time alternative model.

In brief I have battled more than half my life with mental illness. I have been diagnosed with Emotionally Unstable personality disorder (aka borderline personality disorder), Psychosis and Post-Traumatic stress Disorder.

I am passionate about raising mental health awareness and developing my knowledge on the subject.

I have just completed my Level 3 Mental Health awareness qualification and am now in my foundation year of University studying counselling and psychotherapy.

I find that not only being, open, honest and upfront with my issues and talking about them does help to get through life day by day, it also helps to stamp out the stigma, prejudices and discrimination associated with mental illness in today's society.

I am a huge geek. I have a love for many fandoms particularly Star Wars, Marvel,Pokémon and Disney. 

My hobbies are crocheting,singing,drawing,make up and hair, yoga,pilates and creating online tutorials.


Katie Nell

aka "Big Katie"

Group Admin Supervisor UK

Bio in Progress



Stateside Group Admin

Bio in Progress


Nick aka Nikki

Stateside Group Admin

Hiya everyone I'm Nick or nikki, one of the stateside admins here for this fantastic group.
I'm 25 and from Arizona (insert fake yeehaw here)
I'm pansexual and genderfluid (I have days where I feel more female than male and some days where I fall more on the non Binary side of things)
I'm a musician,actor,writer and a martial artist (Brazilian jujitsu and kickboxing)
I'm a full time nerd (sci-fi and anime,musical theatre and video games are my jam)
I've struggled with depression and suicidal thoughts on and since I was 15 when I lost my big brother.......
I've had nights where I don't wanna be on this cruel but beautiful planet anymore, but I'm 4 years sober from self harming (gonna be 5 on valentine's day)
Basically, expect alot of inspirational quotes from nerdy things from me or me sharing part of my past or both in some cases.......
You're all valid and not alone here.
Stay strong warriors and always keep moving forward.
Much love and hugs
-Nick and Nikki
(Pronouns) he/she/they



Group Admin UK

Bio in Progress

80+ Inspirational Teamwork Quotes & Sayi
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